Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility

Higher education students and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries

Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem is involved in International Credit Mobility under the Key Action 1 of the Erasmus+ Programme, promoting the international exchange of students and staff between higher education institutions in Erasmus+ Programme and Partner Countries.

Under the International Credit Mobility, a higher education institution in a Partner Country can send its students, teachers or other staff to a partner higher education institution in a Programme Country, and vice versa. Students are able to study or realize a traineeship abroad for a limited period of 2 to 12 months during which credits are obtained. After the mobility phase, the students return to their sending institution to complete their studies. Similarly, staff can spend a teaching and/or training period abroad for up to 2 months.

Selection procedures for students’, teachers’ and staff mobilities are taken place at relevant universities. In case of interest it is necessary to contact the International Office of your home university.

Instructions for student are available here. Instructions for staff can be found here.

Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem cooperates/cooperated with the following partners:

  • Iran: Islamic Azad University – detailed information about cooperation can be found here – the project is finished.
  • Israel: Beit Berl College – detailed information about cooperation can be found here – the project is finished.
  • Kosovo: University of Prishtina – detailed information about cooperation can be found here – the project is finished.
  • Lebanon: Lebanese International University – detailed information about cooperation can be found here.
  • Ukraine: Kherson National Technical University – detailed information about cooperation can be found here – the project is finished.
  • Ukraine: Kyiv National Linguistic University – detailed information about cooperation can be found here – the project is finished.
  • Vietnam: Nha Trang University – detailed information about cooperation can be found here – the project is finished.