Ukraine – Kyiv National Linguistic University

Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility
Higher education students and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries

Coordinator: Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem (UJEP)
Partner: Kyiv National Linguistic University (KNLU)

Project No.: 2020-1-CZ01-KA107-077310
Project period: 1. 8. 2020 – 31. 7. 2023




Planned mobilities

a) Ukraine → the Czech Republic

  • 6 students – 5 months per a student
  • 2 teachers – 7 days including travel per a teacher
  • 2 staff members – 7 days including travel per a staff member

b) the Czech Republic → Ukraine

  • 1 trainee – 2 months
  • 4 teachers – 7 days including travel per a teacher
  • 2 staff members – 7 days including travel per a staff member

Realized mobilities

a) Ukraine → the Czech Republic

  • 6 study stays
  • 2 teaching stays
  • 8 training

All the mobility activities were beneficial for the individual participants, the universities involved and the local environment. During their study stays, the students gained further expertise in their field, experienced a different education system and new teaching methods, and improved their language skills. As they were Ukrainian students of the Czech language, the benefit of their mobilities in the Czech environment for improving their language skills was even greater. The knowledge and experience gained in a completely different environment also contributed to their personal growth and increased their value and competitiveness on the labour market. Teaching stays of KNLU academic staff at UJEP led to the acquisition of new knowledge in the field of Czech language teaching usable in their teaching practice at the home university and to the expansion of professional contacts. During the training, KNLU employees gained new knowledge in the field of teaching Czech language or in the field of international cooperation and organization of foreign mobilities, which they can apply to their work activities at KNLU. Part of the teaching and training stays of KNLU staff members at UJEP was also monitoring of the students who were studying at UJEP at that time. The study of Ukrainian students and lectures of KNLU academic staff at UJEP contributed to the creation of a multicultural environment at UJEP, and thus had an impact on members of the academic community who did not participate directly in the mobilities. The activities of foreign students in the academic environment of UJEP also motivates other UJEP students to join the activities of the volunteer organisation Erasmus Student Network Ústí nad Labem (hereinafter referred to as ESN Usti), which helps improve the quality of services provided to foreign mobility participants. All types of mobilities have contributed to spreading the reputation of both participating universities, to learning about other cultures and to gaining a wider awareness of the countries and cities involved. The added value of some of the staff mobilities was the negotiation of cooperation in other creative areas. Last but not least, the mobility participants also had the opportunity to get to know the culture of the other country, which contributed to deepening mutual understanding between the countries. The project focused on mobilities between the programme and partner countries within the Erasmus+ programme contributed significantly to the implementation of the strategy of both institutions involved in the field of international cooperation, to the deepening of cooperation between UJEP and the partner institution. Both universities involved have expressed interest in further cooperation based on the experience gained in this project.


Project No.: 2015‐1‐CZ01‐KA107‐013692
Project period: 1. 6. 2015 – 31. 7. 2017

The project was nominated to the DZS Awards as one of the most succesfull projects within the Erasmus+ Programme. The project is published in the publication “Erasmus+ úspěšné projekty 2018” that is available here (pages 40 – 41).




Planned mobilities

a) Ukraine → the Czech Republic

  • 4 Bachelor students – 5 months per a student
  • 4 Master students – 5 months per a student
  • 2 teachers – 7 days including travel per a teacher

b) the Czech Republic → Ukraine

  • 1 teacher – 7 days including travel

Realized mobilities

a) Ukraine → the Czech Republic

  • 9 study stays
  • 2 teaching stays

b) the Czech Republic → Ukraine

  • 1 teaching stay

Students realized their study visits on the basis of a pre-concluded Learning Agreement. Obtaining at least 20 ECTS credits per semester was required for a successful completion of study stays. Concerning teaching stays of academic staff, the realization of at least 8 teaching hours per week was required. The training of employees was aimed at gaining new knowledge and experience in the area of international relations and cooperation. All the realized mobilities have been beneficial for all the participants, all participating universities and the local environment as well. During their study visits, the students gained additional professional knowledge in their study fields. This knowledge and experience gained in a completely different environment also lead to their personality growth and enhance their employability in the labour market. Foreign study stays also improve language skills and contribute to getting to know other cultures. Teaching stays of academic staff have helped to gain new knowledge that can be used at home universities, to expand contact databases and to intensify cooperation in the form of negotiating further project activities. Staff training enabled sharing information and transferring experience in the area of tendering and other procedures related to mobility processing. These activities in turn contributed to improving the performance and management of departments dealing with international relations at the two universities which realized the trainings. Some of the trainings were followed up by monitoring of students. All the mobility flows have contributed to creating a multicultural environment at all participating universities, building their reputation and helping to gain wider awareness of the countries and cities involved.