GAP Analysis 2018

GAP Analysis process

As a part of this analysis a questionnaire survey was conducted in June 2018 and there were engaged all categories of researchers (R1- R4). Outputs from this survey are available here.
Next part of the GAP analysis consisted of studying of internal documents that apply to C and C principles. Working group consisting from a laywer, an internal auditor, HR Manager and a Project manager focused on these documents : Statute of JEPU, The regulations of the selection proceedings for all categories of researchers at JEPURules for doctoral study programs, Ethical Code of JEPU, SR 4/2018- Ethics Committee procedure of JEPU, PR 3/2014- Staff Regulation (after login into our internal informational system), SR 10/2016- Career regulation of JEPU employees ( after login into our internal informational system).
In September 2018 were processed three documents (templates) of GAP analysis – process, GAP analysis – overview and OTM-R Checklist. Based on this data was designed Action Plan of JEPU for 2019- 2020.
An internal outcome of Gap analysis at JEPU is the processed material of working group that reflect current state of fulfilling 40 principles of C and C and the OTM-R principles (open, transparent and merit-based recruitment). This material includes  detailed results of questionnaire survey and detailed data about internal documents of JEPU.

Initial Assessment

At the start of March 2019, JEPU gained an Initial Assessment – EC Consesus Report and coordination team, under the leadership of vice rector for science, started to process comments on this document. It was mainly about more detailed and deeper information about outputs of the survey and more detailed descriptions and impacts of planned actions included in Action Plan JEPU for 2019- 2020.
We are aware, that there is still enough space for improvement in fulfilling the OTM-R policy. We take this issue as a priority for this first period of implementation therefore we outwarded  action No.2 (Update of the internal norm: The regulations of the selection proceedings for all categories of researchers at JEPU). This action will be supplemented by tranings, workshops and other initiatives for processing the implementation.